
Filter by Topic:

  • Issuance of shares
  • Rights and responsibilities of, and relationships between, shareholders, directors, officers and employees
  • Shareholder meetings
  • Transfer of shares by gift, inheritance, court order, and other alienation of shares
  • Business organization and operations
  • Relationships between Native corporations, tribes and Alaska Natives and governments and governmental bodies
  • Compliance with securities and proxy laws and regulations
  • Compliance with tax laws and regulations
  • Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
  • Compliance with other laws and regulations
  • Selection and conveyance of land
  • Distribution of land required by ANCSA or to shareholders (14(c) and other means)
  • Management of land (easements, trespass, etc.)
  • Use and development of land, and restrictions on use and development
  • Land bank protections
  • Distributions to shareholders
  • Contributions to settlement trusts
  • Payments among Native corporations (section 7(i))
Settlement Trust
  • Creation and operation
  • Restrictions
  • Contributions to settlement trusts
  • Distributions by settlement trusts
  • Rights and relationships with creditors, vendors, etc.
  • Enforcement of claims and rights by and against third parties, other than other Native corporations and governmental agencies
  • Rights and responsibilities of, and relationships between, tribes, tribal members, tribal councils, etc.
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(ie. "sand +gravel +subsurface")